Eddie’s Lower East Side

    The RED STAR on the map (below) marks the "old" Manhattan Sound Technicians store-front at 68 East First Street. Enjoy the children’s park. Grab a cup of Joe with Attitude at the corner — next to Boca Chica (great carribean fude) or get a more sedate cup with fresh baked scone at  the café in the park. Across Houston Street and slightly west, grab a knish at YONAH SCHIMMEL. Eddie’s fave is potato with mustard.

    Be sure to check out PRUNE on First Street between First and Second Avenue.  Ask for Gabrielle and tell her Eddie sent you!

  1. Fude: Between 7th and 8th / St Marks  Streets on First Avenue are two hole-in-the wall eye-talian eateries; La Foccaceria (on the East Side of 1st Ave) and Five Roses (on the West Side of 1st Ave and possibly north a block). Neither has "cream" sauce, but both have great affordable food and lots of local color.
  2. More Fude: On the south side of HOUSTON (pronounced "house - ton," for y’all out o’towners) go one block west and check out the TURKISH place on the corner at ORCHARD strret. Great lentil soup and the eggplant is egg-stra spacial.  Be sure to squeeze lemon into that soup!!  Keep going east and there’s a fine JAPANESE place with great R&B background music. At the corner of Ludlow is KATZ Delicatessan, home of "When Harry Met Sally." When the HOT PASTRAMI is amazing, it’s warm and wet and slippery. Grab a ticket before you go to the deli counter. One sandwich feeds two. Get the MATZOH BALL Soup!
  3. MUSIC & BEER: OK, if you’re full of fude, check out THE LIVING ROOM at the corner of ALLEN and Stanton (First Ave becomes "ALLEN" south of Houston). Go one block East and perhaps a block south on Ludlow and look for Baby Jupiter’s for a beer. Avoid the N’awlins-style slop fude if ya wanna keep movin’.
  4. Chinese DIM SUM. Go early in the AM, walking south on Bowery, a block or two or three south of Canal, and look for HOP SING on the east side — just east of the "triangle," an intersection whose name I don’t recall. The "HA-COW," (shrimp dumpling) "SHU-MY" (pork dumpling) are very good with lots of hot sauce. Get the black tea and wash down a sweet coconut bun. If you see a guy who looks a little like MOE of the Three Stooges, or if you have the balls to ask for a guy named "MAN-LEE," tell him "YOUNG GUY" said hello!
  5. CBGB: It has the same black dirt I first tasted back in ’78! (On the East Side of Bowery between 2nd and 3rd streets.)  Great kick drum room.
  6. CREAM SAUCE: More eye-talian fude, BONA FIDES, where they do have a decent cream sauce on the Salmon Fettucine. On the east side of Second Avenue between 3rd and 4th streets.   Avoid all the Italian eateries on Fourth Street. But if you continue up 2nd Avenue on the west side, you might run into PHILLIP GLASS outside sipping a cappucino. If you want good Joe, go to Avenue A between 3rd and 4th (I think) on the east side.
  7. Lucky Changs: cute asian boys in drag. Fude better than your average strip joint.