Blackface ADAT Software Version 4.03 Addendum
Normally, the write-protect tab is an essential component to protecting
a recorded master and, on most tapes, once the tab is gone the tape is
permanently write-protected. Sure, you could cover the hole with tape,
but this is not a good long-term solution.
However, if you want to reuse a tape or if the sensor-switch is defective,
you can now override the "PrOt" message that the machine reports when it
scans the tape.
From the ADAT’s front panel:
Hold the SET LOCATE button and press RECORD ENABLE-2; The display will
momentarily read "PrOt," indicating the tab is NOT being checked.
Repeat step-1 to switch the Write-Protect Tab Check back on; The display
will momentarily read "PrOn."
Note: This override will automatically be deactivated whenever a tape
is ejected or the power is cycled.
The ADAT has been optimized to take advantage of the extra recording
time on tapes longer than the standard T-120. Also you can now use T-180
tapes for over one full hour of recording time or T-60 tapes for shorter
projects. (ADAT automatically recognizes the shorter length T-60 tapes
because the hubs are larger. However, there is no way for ADAT to tell
apart a T-120, T-160 or T-180 tape since these all use the same smaller-sized
To "tell" the ADAT what tape length is being used:
Hold the SET LOCATE button and press the FORMAT button; The display
will read "t60."
Repeat step-1 to advance through the available tape length options. The
display will briefly read either "t120," "t60," "t160," or "t180."