Eddie: I know that your tape baking article is several years old. But, in it you were asking for a source of "silica gel". I'm sure by now you have found a source, but if not, I just found a GREAT one!! The link is: http://preservesmart.com/products.htm#SilicaGelDesiccants I just bought 200 silica gel packs contained in Dupont Tyvek that are each only 2" X 3/4". One or two of them are all that's needed for the storage of a 10-1/2" tape. The cost of the 200 silica gel packs and some extra Humidity Indicator Cards, plus shipping, was less that $50.00!!! ($48.55 to be exact). As far as making a contribution.....since it's after 1:00 AM and my eyes are way too blurry to conduct any further financial transactions, I'll revisit your WEB-site again soon and do so. OK?? As I'm writing this, I have my first two 10-1/2" reels baking now. If all of this works as great as I'm hoping that it will.....I'll be extremely happy to once again be able to hear these old tape recordings!! (o: Thanks again for the article!! Regards, JBWilliams / ===== Image by FlamingText.com __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs http://www.hotjobs.com