Eddie Ciletti's Basics for all Classes
Winter -Spring'12
Studio of Misfit Toys

READ THIS (link too)
In 15 short weeks you may find that I am a pest, but there is a method to my madness...

I totally understand that as second semester students you have many things to learn - not just the technical stuff - but the 'socially interactive' requirements of being a professional.  I don't care if we work side by side together on a session, I want your reflections in an email.  Please understand the value of this weekly writing exercise.   There is a place for everyone in this industry, but know that it is generally very competitive and to succeed, you wil need to be actively engaged with the people you work with.

I have many Audio Details to share in 15 short weeks.  The assignments are simple, but falling behind can make them seem more complicated, especially when you are under pressure to meet a deadline.   The simple solution is to not fall behind.

Your participation grade for each class is 10 points.  5 points are awarded when you actively contribute in class and 5 more points are awarded when you write an e-mail.  You can get Bonus Points for contributing to our AE-2 Class page on Facebook.

The five points correspond to letter grades: 5=A, 4=B, 3=C, 2=D, etc.  An explanation of grade letters is on page-2.  It is our 'User Agreement.'  It must be signed and handed in during Class-1.

In-Class Activity

  • Helps with Console Setup and Normalization
  • Helps with Pro Tools Setup and File Management
  • Helps with Studio Setup and Normalization
  • Helps Others in Class
  • Asks Questions
  • Takes good notes and pictures of setups (can be shared on the Facebook page)
  • Does not distract others by playing with communications devices.  This can and should be done during breaks.

The weekly e-mail:

  • Must be a minimum of 250 words
  • Will have maximum benefit when submitted within 3 days of class
  • Can reflect on what happened in class - what you learned, liked, hated, would like to know more about.  Your feedback improves the class.
  • Is a way to get feedback: you can share mixes, project ideas or ask questions


  • Write an e-mail about yourself (Musician? DJ? Gamer? Engineer? Post?)
  • e-mail: edaudio@tangible-technology.com  <<<<  The instructor's URL 
  • Create a Redbook Mix CD of your fave sounds, tunes, etc. 
  • Detail what you put on the CD and why.
  • Learn how to spell the instructor's last name: C-I-L-E-T-T-I  (Google it)
Below is an Explanation of Grades Agreement.  You may wonder why you are being asked to read and sign this form.  The answer is simple.  Your primary goal is to acquire as many skills as possible to make yourself as employable as possible. Your grade reflects three important 'skills,' not just how well you can memorize 'quick keys,' but also how motivated you are and how well you communicate. 

So when you invest time and $$$ in your career, think about the ingredients that count in your grade.   It may be hard to see into the future, but you may want or need a recommendation.   If you stand out in class and make an impression, both the instructor and fellow students could play a role in your future employment.

Explanation of Grades:

A - self motivated, did more than the minimum, showed constant improvement, was helpful to fellow class mates, asked for more work. Will definitely get a positive recommendation.

B - Did the required work. Showed talent and motivation.
Has potential to be an A student. Is likely to get a recommendation.

C - Inconsistent work habits. Assignments are late and show insufficient effort. Is not likely to get a recommendation

D - Poor work habits. Distracted, dreaming or sleeping in class. Assignments not turned in. No recommendation.

F - why did you sign up?

I understand the Terms of this Agreement




You may have noticed that I contact everyone at least once a week - via FB and MMI mail.  I am constantly thinking about the class and looking forward to feedback because one simple idea can inspire me and have a direct influence on the next class.  I really do want EVERYONE thinking about the class OUTSIDE of class.

When you do the drum editing exercise, it is just as important that you integrate our earlier CRITICAL LISTENING exercises into it...

I need EVERYONE to listen closely, to really dive in and get inside of these sounds.  It will help when you are recording from scratch and are trying to anticipate / envision what the end result should sound like.   It will also help with mixing, when you will have many MANY more tracks to sort through and find a place for. 

So, if you were wondering what to write about, go back and listen to each drum track, remember the mic we used, and detail how each track sounded - ISOLATED, and with it's partner.  There are essentially three kick tracks, two different mics, side-by-side.  They sound different.    Can you notice the difference?  Do you have a preference?  How do they combine?  How does the crotch mic sound?  How does it combine with the kick and the snare mics. 

Do this for all the mics.  Play with POLARITY and PHASE.  It's laborious, I know, but when you get good at it, you can create any sound you want IF you got decent sounds to begin with.

If you take the time to do this now, it will help you when sessions get more complicated.
